
Wednesday Walk

Hello, sunshine.
The weather was beautiful today on our way to register our residence. And we were shocked to realize that the office has been closed before and after the New Year's Eve. I think we've practically walked through every block of Kyoto. No kidding.

So many things undone: I need a mobile, a job, and a bank account.


How Long Will I Love You

I've moved to Kyoto ten days ago, starting my adventure in Japan.
Before I left Taiwan, I made this music cover of Ellie Goulding's 'How Long Will I Love You' for all my family and friends: I love you as long as stars are above you.

20 Things To Do by My 25th Birthday
#17 Do a music cover on Youtube. Check.


Winning Approval

Wednesday morning, I woke up to this VSCO's mail, informing me that one of my photos has been chosen. It was such an honor!
Thank you VSCO for selecting my work to appear in the curated search results.

This shot was taken in Shibuya Hikarie, where my Japanese friends took me to have a tea break after a long day walk.


My Works

I have been working on establishing my personal photography style for a while.
But I was upset after some of my friends thinking this picture is about my relationship, but not a piece of my photography.

I guess I am not working hard enough.


All Those Little Dreams

There are so many things I want to learn.
Day by day, the more I explore the world, the more I realize how ignorant I am.

For completing #2 Fluent in Japanese on my list, I decided to make it more challenging by adding a new condition: I am going to apply for working holiday visa in Japan.
For now, my Japanese level is around JLPT N3, and I want to pass the N2 and N3 exams by my 25th birthday. 
The experience of doing work exchange in Osaka and couchsurfing in Kyoto made me realize how much I can achieve, and there is no limitation. I can be whoever I want to be.

Once I started working on my list, the more ideas have come up in my mind. I feel exhilarated, yet I am afraid if I can make all these little dreams come true or not. I need to build my self-belief.


Learning To Love

It took so long for me to have my first love.
I met my boyfriend at Young Art Taipei 2014, when he came to Taipei for the exhibition. Yes, he is an artist from Japan.
After numerous emails sending back and forth, we met again last summer when I visited Tokyo for a two-week trip. Then I just fell for him.

I am the happiest me when I am with him.
But it seems to be Japanese culture that he expects us to give each other some space, space that big enough to fill in with my loneliness. Thanks to this space, I learnt to keep myself busy.

Not knowing where this relationship is going, I have been thinking of quitting for many times. However, he can always save me (or I am easy to be satisfied?) at the very last minute.
It's been a year, and I am still new to this kind of things. Wish I can learn to love without feeling lonely.

Things To Do by My 25th Birthday


Six months later, I will be turning 25.
The time after graduation runs so fast that I can hardly recall what happened during the past two years. The most important thing is, I am not sure if I have become the person I wanted to be (Do I know?).

For bringing back my enthusiasm for life, I am making a to do list with 20 things to do by my 25th birthday.

#13 Go to a concert. Check.
This picture was taken at Wake Up Festival 2015 in Jiayi, Taiwan. This band is called Mary See The Future.

Now I am working on #4 Get 5000 followers on Instagram, for I want to improve my photography skills and establish my style, and I need audience to tell me what kind of photos they like. At the same time, I will start doing #19 Do 6 photography projects.
Please leave a comment or write me an e-mail if you have any suggestions, thanks!